Geography of Grace

Geography of Grace

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


This morning, I started reflecting on my support raising and all of the people I've met and spoken to throughout the process, and I just wanted to take a moment and express my incredible gratitude towards all of you who have supported me, not only with your finances, but also through your love, prayers, and blessings. It sounds so generic to simply say, "I'm thankful for your support," and I wish I had a way to truly and accurately express the heart behind my words, but I just want you all to know that I am incredibly humbled and overwhelmed with the great grace and love that I have received these past few months. The Lord has revealed Himself to me through all of these relationships that have been developed through this process; He's shown me His majesty and sovereignty in a billion small conversations and acts of love, and although the fundraising process has been hard (and even miserable at times), I know that I am better for it. I have been broken, challenged, and refined by it, and it is your love that has provided me with the encouragement to keep going, and I don't say that lightly. Your support and excitement in this adventure has sustained me and brought me to this place, this place of 85% funded!

As I prepare to leave in August and to make this last push to pursue 100% funded, I want to thank all of you who have helped me get to this place. You are my community, my team, and my partners in this venture, and it is no exaggeration to say that I quite literally would not be here without you! It is such a comfort to know that I am not in this alone; I am not moving overseas and doing ministry by myself. I have a team rooting for me, praying for me, sustaining me, and loving me through it all. Not to sound too "High School Musical," but we really are in this together (ha!), and as I'm overwhelmed by the reality of this move, I've never been more grateful to not be alone.

I am beyond blessed by you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for believing in this mission, for believing in what the Lord is doing all over the world, and for believing in me.

All my love to you all.


(P.S. Some of you have asked how to get to me website to give, and here's the link!)

Young Life Giving for Grace Stephens

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