Geography of Grace

Geography of Grace

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dar Las Gracias.

This week, I was challenged by a sweet friend of mine to list 3 things that I'm thankful for each day for seven days. It was a challenge that I was happy to accept, because I believe wholeheartedly that the world could use a lot more gratitude, and so could my heart. It's amazing to discover how many things that I'm truly thankful for that I never take the time to notice, and it's incredible how much a simple "gratitude list" can change the way that I view my circumstances. Yet, as I've discovered, while it can often be easy to have grateful hearts (especially when it seems that our lives are going well), sometimes we really have to choose to find things that we are grateful for in the midst of a lot of brokenness.

So, I'd like to share my little "gratitude lists" with you each day, and I'd love to challenge each of you to join me in this week of thankfulness: three things that you are grateful for each day for a week! You can post them on the comment section of this blog, or share them with your friends or spouse, or simply write them down in a journal or on a random piece of paper and keep them between yourself and the Lord. (Another good idea would be to write them down on slips of paper and keep them in a jar; then you can pull them out on hard days to remind yourself of all the blessings that surround you, even when you're struggling to see them).

{day one} September 14:
1) The chance to travel to new places and spend time with great, new friends
2) Getting my heart pumping by hiking through the rain forest and repelling down some waterfalls by Volcano Arenal
3) A hot cup of coffee with Olga, my mama Tica, in the afternoon.

{day two} Sept 15:
1. Independence Day parades (and a day off of school, which gave me the chance to sleep in to the obscenely late hour of 8:45!)
2. The chance to play guitar with my sweet friend Kelly McClain
3. Lying in bed with my two precious dogs, Feliz and Blacky

{day three} September 16:
1. A long walk with an encouraging friend on a cloudy day
2. Sweet worship just when I need it
3. Studying and learning Spanish, grasping a little more of the language each day

{day four} September 17:
1) Relaxing, rainy days
2) Afternoon naps
3) Crime shows on Netflix (although I miss watching them with my Mom!)

{day five} Sept. 18 I'm thankful for:
1. An amazing Young Life team in Costa Rica that cares for me so much and so well.
2. The chance to celebrate my sweet sisters 31st birthday by sharing a tres leches cake with a beautiful family.
3. Learning more and more each day that Jesus really is who He says He is.
{day six} Sept 19:
1. Quiet, peaceful day a solitude
2. Remembering Merideth, talking to her, praying for her
3. Phone calls with my wonderful family in Athens

{day seven, el dia final} Sept. 20th. Today, I am thankful for:
1. The wonderful smell of Olga Marta Carpio Solano's kitchen before a meal
2. Seeing tons of beautiful butterflies and hummingbirds at La Paz Waterfall Gardens
3. Trips to new places with new friends

What are you thankful for?

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God the Father through Him" Colossians 3:17
"Y todo lo que hagan, de palabra o obra, haganlo en el nombre del Senor Jesus, dando gracias a Dios el Padre por el medio de el." Colosennes 3:17

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