Geography of Grace

Geography of Grace

Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Picture Updates!

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to upload some pictures of what's been going on here! I've been super busy so far, with school from 7:30-12:30 every day, Young Life meetings and clubs, traveling and exploring the city and country, and trying to figure out how to live here!

So, here are some pictures from the past two weeks!

          Hiking up to the "Three Crosses" above the city (Tres Cruces) with some friends from school:

WyldLife "Frozen Club" (we made it snow in Costa Rica!)

        Canyoneering (repelling from waterfalls) at Volcano Arenal with my amazing Young Life team!

Hard to believe it's been three weeks. The first two weeks I felt almost as if I were floating, not really able to process anything that was going on around me. During this past week, things began to settle a little bit more, and I hit my first bout of homesickness, missing my family, my friends, and life in the States. But this was very expected, and the Lord, by His grace, has been easing me into life here, one step at a time.

I've been reading the book Abba's Child by Brennan Manning, and in the book he tells the story of a priest and his friend who woke up early one day to hike up a mountain and watch the sunrise. After seeing the sun rise slowly over the hill, the two friends turned to leave, and all of a sudden the priest broke into a fit of giggles, smiling and laughing and practically skipping down the mountain. Upon seeing this, his friend asked him, "What's happened? Why are you acting so joyful and silly?" And the priest responded simply, "You see my Abba is very fond of me!"

I've kept this quote close to my heart this past week, remembering it each time I get frustrated or feel lonely, and constantly reminding myself, "You see, my Abba is very fond of me!" And this has kept me steady, kept me engaged, and helped me feel loved throughout this process of acculturation.

Love you all, and so very grateful for each of you.

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